Laura Stuff, Program Coordinator
Iisha Klausing, COTA
Stephanie Barb, Speech Therapist
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An assistive technology service means any service that directly assists a child with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device. (34 CFR 300.6)During the IEP process, assistive technology must be considered for every child and then provided by districts if required in a child's IEP to access a free and appropriate public education (FAPE). TMCSEA offers Assistive Technology Consultation services to member districts. The TMCSEA AT Consultation procedures are as follows:
To view additional information and flyers for these trainings please see the calendar at: We are pleased to announce TMCSEA has renewed our membership in the Infinitec Coalition this school year which will enable us to provide additional equipment, training, and information/expertise resources for member districts. The Infinitec website is: All member district staff must enter a sign-in name and Password to access this website. All new users will need to register on the home page prior to logging in for the first time using their school email address. Please see Quicklinks on the Infinitec homepage for additional sign-in and registration instructions. |