iOS (iPads/iPods/iPhone) has a new feature with the recent update to iOS6 called Guided Access. This allows teachers or adults to ‘lock’ the device into a program. For example, if you have a students using the iPad as a speech generating device, you can lock it so that the students may not exit the program. To do this, click on Settings, General, and then Accessibility on the right. After you turn the feature on, it will ask your for a PIN. Once that is set up, go to the program you want the student to use and ‘triple click’ the home button. Choose your settings, and then it will lock the program. There are a couple caveats. One is that it will not work on older devices (such as iPad 1). The device must have the newest iOS update (v 6 or 6.0.1). Also, there is a known bug that in some programs, it will not let you out of the program. To remedy this, you need to reset by holding both the power button and the home button for 15-20 seconds until the device shuts off. When restarted it should be back to normal. Want a tutorial?
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